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The Common Room
Jefferson Hall's common room is a large room on the first floor where the students can hang out between classes or, whenever. There are a few large sofas around a big flat-screen TV, two computers with working internet, a few desks to do homework at, and other things to keep the students occupied.
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its like waking up in vegas!
by jamie waters
Nov 8, 2009 21:41:54 GMT -5
Arizona Cassaway
The typical room of a drummer or even a band nerd at that. One wall has about 100 pictures of her two best friends and then her brother and sister. Although, only 100 pictures cannot fill up an entire wall, there are some random letters and posters that she'd collected while she'd been in the states, most of the letters were from either Jace or Kris, but it just made her feel like she could talk to them. On the celling there are those cool glow-in-the-dark stars that everyone was obsessed with back in the 90's. She still has a few, and just to be her random and funny self, she stuck them all over the celling, but, you can tell that she's smart by the fact they're all in actual constilations. In one corner, there's a little mat made out of towels and a tiny dog bed, usually atop that can be found a small russet fox, house trained and everything. In the oposite corner is a guitar, oboe, flute, cello and a couple of drum sticks that she just couldn't find a better place for. There are some clothes scattered here and there, and a few half-empty water bottles, but other than that, it's just your typical room.
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